
Hi, I’m Scott Galloway

This is a work in progress site where I share my thoughts, ideas, and projects. I'm always building SOMETHING so decided too share both how I build these somethings and what I build. Note this site is currently being developed you can see the code here. Bits will be broken or missing, but that's the fun of it. If you have any comments / suggestions / feedback please let me know on Mastodon

I'm a consulting web developer, specializing in .NET Core, remote working, full-stack (ANY JavaScript framework), cloud, search technologies, running teams, bootstrapping startups etc..etc...
I'm a former Microsoft ASP.NET Program manager & have worked for numerous fortune 500, and a multitude of startups and have been building web applications for over 30 years.
If you think I can help you with your project on a contract, full time or consultancy basis (days here and there), please get in touch.

Email: [email protected]


©2024 Scott Galloway