
Hi, I’m Scott Galloway

This is a work in progress site where I share my thoughts, ideas, and projects. I'm always building SOMETHING so decided too share both how I build these somethings and what I build. Note this site is currently being developed you can see the code here. Bits will be broken or missing, but that's the fun of it. If you have any comments / suggestions / feedback please let me know on Mastodon

I'm a consulting web developer, specializing in .NET Core, remote working, full-stack (ANY JavaScript framework), cloud, search technologies, running teams, bootstrapping startups etc..etc...
I'm a former Microsoft ASP.NET Program manager & have worked for numerous fortune 500, and a multitude of startups and have been building web applications for over 30 years.
If you think I can help you with your project on a contract, full time or consultancy basis (days here and there), please get in touch.

Email: [email protected]

Unit Testing Umami.Net - Testing UmamiBackgroundSender
In the previous article, we discussed how to test the UmamiClient using xUnit and Moq. In this article, we will discuss how to test the UmamiBackgroundSender class. The UmamiBackgroundSender is a bit...

Tuesday, 03 September 2024 09:00


8 minute read

Blog Update
This is just a quick post to update everyone on the status of this blog. I started it a little over a month ago and decided to commit to at least one post a day for the first month. So far I've posted...

Monday, 02 September 2024 15:50


1 minute read

Unit Testing Umami.Net - Testing UmamiClient
Now I have the Umami.Net package out there I of course want to ensure it all works as expected. To do this the best way is to somewhat comprehensively test all the methods and classes. This is where...

Sunday, 01 September 2024 17:22


6 minute read

Seq for ASP.NET Logging - Tracing with SerilogTracing
In the previous part I showed you how to set up self hosting for Seq using ASP.NET Core . Now that we have it set up it's time to use more of it's features to allow for more complete logging & tracing...

Saturday, 31 August 2024 11:20


7 minute read

Adding a Comment System Part 2 - Saving Comments
In the previous part in this series, I set up the database for the comments system. In this post, I'll cover how saving the comments are managed client side and in ASP.NET Core. Add New...

Saturday, 31 August 2024 09:00


5 minute read

Switching Themes for Mermaid (Updated)
I use Mermaid.js to create the dope diagrams you see in a few posts. Like the one below. However something that annoyed me is that it wasn't reactive to switching themes (dark/light) and there seemed...

Thursday, 29 August 2024 05:00


7 minute read

Self Hosting Seq for ASP.NET Logging
Seq is an application which lets you view and analyse logs. It's a great tool for debugging and monitoring your application. In this post I'll cover how I set up Seq to log my ASP.NET Core...

Wednesday, 28 August 2024 09:37


4 minute read

Adding Umami Tracking Client Nuget Package
Now I have the Umami client; I need to package it up and make it available as a Nuget package. This is a pretty simple process but there are a few things to be aware of. Creating the Nuget...

Wednesday, 28 August 2024 02:00


4 minute read

Adding Umami Tracking Client Follow Up
In an earlier post I sketched out how a Tracking Client for Umami in C# could work. Well I've finally had a chance to test it extensively and improve it's operation (yes ANOTHER...

Tuesday, 27 August 2024 02:00


6 minute read

Adding a Comment System Part 1 - Setting up the Database
One of the key aspects of a blogging site like this is a comments system. So, I decided to build one. This is the first part of a series of posts on how to build a comments system. In this post, I...

Monday, 26 August 2024 11:53


6 minute read


©2024 Scott Galloway