添加 C# Umami 跟踪客户端 (中文 (Chinese Simplified))

添加 C# Umami 跟踪客户端


NOTE: Apart from English (and even then it's questionable, I'm Scottish). These are machine translated in languages I don't read. If they're terrible please contact me.
You can see how this translation was done in this article.

Sunday, 18 August 2024


4 minute read

一. 导言 导言 导言 导言 导言 导言 一,导言 导言 导言 导言 导言 导言

在前一篇文章中,我们添加了一个客户端来取 Ummami分析数据.. 本文将增加一个客户, 从 C# 应用程序向Umami 发送追踪数据。 木美 是一种可自行托管的轻量级分析服务。 这是谷歌分析的绝佳替代方法, 然而,默认情况下,它只有一个节点客户端来跟踪数据(即便如此,它也不伟大)。 于是我决定写一个C#客户端 来追踪数据

我刚刚更新了这篇文章, 我稍后将更新博客文章- 刚刚更新为26/08/2024。



安装 Umami 你可以看到我是如何在这里做这个的.


您可以看到客户端的所有源代码 在这里.

使用这些设置,我在我的定义中定义了这些设置 appsettings.json 文件。

   "UmamiPath" : "https://umamilocal.mostlylucid.net",
   "WebsiteId" : "32c2aa31-b1ac-44c0-b8f3-ff1f50403bee",
    "UmamiScript" : "getinfo"

由于音轨 API 未经认证, 我还没有给客户添加任何认证 。


为了安顿客户 我添加了习惯的推广方法 被你调用 Program.cs 文件。


这提供了一个简单的方法 钩在 UmamiClient 申请表。

下面的代码显示设置方法 。

   public static void SetupUmamiClient(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration config)
       var umamiSettings= services.ConfigurePOCO<UmamiClientSettings>(config.GetSection(UmamiClientSettings.Section));
       if(string.IsNullOrEmpty( umamiSettings.UmamiPath)) throw new Exception("UmamiUrl is required");
       if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(umamiSettings.WebsiteId)) throw new Exception("WebsiteId is required");
        services.AddHttpClient<UmamiClient>((serviceProvider, client) =>
                 umamiSettings = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<UmamiClientSettings>();
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", $"Mozilla/5.0 Node/{Environment.Version}");
            client.BaseAddress = new Uri(umamiSettings.UmamiPath);
        }).SetHandlerLifetime(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))  //Set lifetime to five minutes
       #if DEBUG 
    static IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage> GetRetryPolicy()
        return HttpPolicyExtensions
            .OrResult(msg =>  msg.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable)
            .WaitAndRetryAsync(6, retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt)));


  1. 设置配置对象
  2. 检查设置是否有效
  3. 添加日志器( 如果在调试模式中)
  4. 设置 HttpClient, 使用基地址和重试策略 。

客户 Itself

缩略 UmamiClient 很简单。 它有一个核心方法 Send 将跟踪数据发送到 Umami 服务器 。

    public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Send(UmamiPayload payload, string type = "event")
        var jsonPayload = new { type, payload };
        logger.LogInformation("Sending data to Umami {Payload}", JsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonPayload, options));
        var response= await client.PostAsJsonAsync("/api/send", jsonPayload, options);
           logger.LogError("Failed to send data to Umami {Response}, {Message}", response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase);
            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            logger.LogInformation("Successfully sent data to Umami {Response}, {Message} {Content}", response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase, content);
        return response;

正如你将看到的,这使用 一种叫做 UmamiPayload 其中载有在乌马米追踪请求的所有可能参数。

public class UmamiPayload
    public string Website { get; set; }=string.Empty;
    public string Hostname { get; set; }=string.Empty;
    public string Language { get; set; }=string.Empty;
    public string Referrer { get; set; }=string.Empty;
    public string Screen { get; set; }=string.Empty;
    public string Title { get; set; }   =string.Empty;
    public string Url { get; set; } =string.Empty;
    public string Name { get; set; } =string.Empty;
    public UmamiEventData? Data { get; set; }

public class UmamiEventData : Dictionary<string, object> { }

唯一需要的字段是 Website 网站是 ID 。 其余是任择的(但 Url 确实有用!) )

在客户中,我有一个方法叫做 GetPayload() 发送发送发送此有效载载荷天体自动弹出该有效载荷天体,并附上请求中的信息(使用注入的信息) IHttpContextAccessor).

public class UmamiClient(HttpClient client, ILogger<UmamiClient> logger, IHttpContextAccessor accessor, UmamiClientSettings settings)...

    private UmamiPayload GetPayload(string? url = null, UmamiEventData? data = null)
        // Initialize a new UmamiPayload object
        var payload = new UmamiPayload
            Website = settings.WebsiteId,
            Data = data ?? new UmamiEventData(),
            Url = url ?? "" // Default URL to empty string if null

        // Check if HttpContext is available
        if (accessor.HttpContext != null)
            var context = accessor.HttpContext;
            var headers = context.Request.Headers;

            // Fill payload details from HttpContext and headers
            payload.Hostname = context?.Request.Host.Host ?? "";  // Default to empty string if null
            payload.Language = headers?["Accept-Language"].ToString() ?? "";  // Safely retrieve Accept-Language header
            payload.Referrer = headers?["Referer"].ToString() ?? "";  // Safely retrieve Referer header
            payload.Screen = headers?["User-Agent"].ToString() ?? "";  // Safely retrieve User-Agent header
            payload.Title = headers?["Title"].ToString() ?? "";  // Safely retrieve Title header
            payload.Url = string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) ? context.Request.Path.ToString() : url;  // Use the passed URL or fallback to the request path

        return payload;


    public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> TrackUrl(string? url="", string? eventname = "event", UmamiEventData? eventData = null)
        var payload = GetPayload(url);
        payload.Name = eventname;
        return await Track(payload, eventData);

    public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Track(string eventObj, UmamiEventData? eventData = null)
        var payload = new UmamiPayload
            Website = settings.WebsiteId,
            Name = eventObj,
            Data = eventData ?? new UmamiEventData()

        return await Send(payload);

    public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Track(UmamiPayload eventObj, UmamiEventData? eventData = null)
        var payload = eventObj;
        payload.Data = eventData ?? new UmamiEventData();
        payload.Website = settings.WebsiteId;
        return await Send(payload);

    public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Identify(UmamiEventData eventData)
        var payload = new UmamiPayload
            Website = settings.WebsiteId,
            Data = eventData ?? new()

        return await Send(payload, "identify");

这样您就可以跟踪事件、 URL 和识别用户 。


今后我打算把它变成一个NuGet包。 测试,我有一个进入 Umami.Client.csproj 以调试模式构建时生成新版本的“ 预览” 软件包的文件 。

   <Target Name="NugetPackAutoVersioning" AfterTargets="Build" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">
    <!-- Delete the contents of the target directory -->
    <RemoveDir Directories="$(SolutionDir)nuget" />
    <!-- Recreate the target directory -->
    <MakeDir Directories="$(SolutionDir)nuget" />
    <!-- Run the dotnet pack command -->
    <Exec Command="dotnet pack -p:PackageVersion=$([System.DateTime]::Now.ToString(&quot;yyyy.MM.dd.HHmm&quot;))-preview -p:V --no-build --configuration $(Configuration) --output &quot;$(SolutionDir)nuget&quot;" />
    <Exec Command="dotnet nuget push $(SolutionDir)nuget\*.nupkg --source Local" />
    <Exec Command="del /f /s /q $(SolutionDir)nuget\*.nupkg" />

这是在结尾前添加的右侧 </Project> 标签中的 .csproj 文件。

它取决于一个叫做“本地”的核子位置, 定义在 Nuget.config 文件。 这张地图我已映射到 一台机器上的本地文件夹上

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" protocolVersion="3" />
    <add key="Local" value="e:\nuget" />
    <add key="Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\" />


今后我打算把这做成一个NuGet包 我用这个在博客上, 例如追踪翻译需要多久时间,

        var translationTask = tasks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TaskId == taskId);
        if (translationTask == null) return TypedResults.BadRequest("Task not found");
        await  umamiClient.Send(new UmamiPayload(){  Name = "Get Translation"}, new UmamiEventData(){{"timetaken", translationTask.TotalMilliseconds}, {"language",translationTask.Language}});

©2024 Scott Galloway