NOTE: Apart from
(and even then it's questionable, I'm Scottish). These are machine translated in languages I don't read. If they're terrible please contact me.
You can see how this translation was done in this article.
Tuesday, 25 March 2025
//Less than a minute
As part of my ongoing sage with my paging tag helper I have now separated out PageSize into its own tag helper. This is to make the tag helper more flexible and to allow for more complex paging scenarios.
Again; these are all works-in progress. I'm already up to 0.9.0 at the time of writing but USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. It's free but NOT YET of release quality IMHO (I don't even have full samples yet!)
See the code for the tag helper here.
As with my other taghelpers this is designed for a use-case I often encounter; how to easily switch page size in results lists. At first glance this seems fairly straightforward but it can become TRICKY once you add HTMX into the mix.
So for my use case the requirements were the following
With this in mind I designed the TagHelper to be as follows:
<div id="list">
<partial name="_ResultsList" model="Model"/>
So in this case again it takes my standard paging model:
public interface IPagingModel
public int Page { get; set; }
public int TotalItems { get; set; }
public int PageSize { get; set; }
public ViewType ViewType { get; set; }
public string LinkUrl { get; set; }
Which provides the Page
, TotalItems
, PageSize
, ViewType
and LinkUrl
for the paging.
You can also specify these in the form of attributes to the model:
Where the hx-target
here is the target for the HTMX request and the hx-swap
is the target for the response.
In this case it'll use the specified PageSize
and TotalItems
and ViewType
to render the page size selector.
Unfortunately this time around I had a requirement I couldn't handle purely server side. Namely I wanted to preserve query string paramaters in the pagesize change request. To achieve this I have two pieces of JS which will load into the control depending on HTMX being used oor not
@if (Model.UseHtmx)
If HTMX is being used it renders this into the page:
(() => {
if (window.__pageSizeListenerAdded) return;
document.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', event => {
const { elt } = event.detail;
if (elt?.matches('[name="pageSize"]')) {
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
params.set('pageSize', elt.value); // This will update or add the pageSize param
event.detail.parameters = Object.fromEntries(params.entries());
window.__pageSizeListenerAdded = true;
Which is a simple piece of JavaScript which will inject current querystring parameters into the request.
Alternatively if HTMX is NOT enabled it will render this:
(function attachPageSizeListener() {
// Ensure we only attach once if this script is included multiple times
if (window.__pageSizeListenerAttached) return;
window.__pageSizeListenerAttached = true;
// Wait for the DOM to be fully loaded
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
document.body.addEventListener("change", handlePageSizeChange);
function handlePageSizeChange(event) {
// Check if the changed element is a page-size <select> inside .page-size-container
const select =".page-size-container select[name='pageSize']");
if (!select) return;
const container = select.closest(".page-size-container");
if (!container) return;
// Default to "true" if there's no .useHtmx input
const useHtmx = container.querySelector("input.useHtmx")?.value === "true";
if (useHtmx) {
// If using HTMX, we do nothing—HTMX will handle the request
// Either use a linkUrl from the container or the current page URL
const linkUrl = container.querySelector("input.linkUrl")?.value || window.location.href;
const url = new URL(linkUrl, window.location.origin);
// Copy existing query params from current location
const existingParams = new URLSearchParams(;
for (const [key, value] of existingParams.entries()) {
url.searchParams.set(key, value);
// If user picked the same pageSize as what's already in the URL, do nothing
if (url.searchParams.get("pageSize") === select.value) {
// Update the pageSize param
url.searchParams.set("pageSize", select.value);
// Redirect
window.location.href = url.toString();
One change I'll lilely make is changing the name of the 'flag' variable; __pageSizeListenerAttached
as it's a bit too generic AND I use it for both HTMX and non-HTMX requests.
The tag helper itself is pretty simple, the main code just populates a few properties and then renders the view Component.
public override async Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
// We want to render a <div> by default
output.TagName = "div";
// Remove any leftover attributes that we handle ourselves
// Determine final PagerId
var pagerId = PagerId ?? PageSizeModel?.PagerId ?? $"pager-{Guid.NewGuid():N}";
// Assign ID to the outer div
output.Attributes.SetAttribute("id", pagerId);
// Build or fallback to a link URL
var finalLinkUrl = BuildLinkUrl();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(finalLinkUrl))
// If we can't build a URL, show a fallback message or short-circuit
"<p style=\"color:red\">No valid link URL found for PageSize control.</p>");
var finalPageSize = PageSize ?? PageSizeModel?.PageSize ?? 10;
// Clamp the page size to MaxPageSize
var finalTotalItems = TotalItems ?? Model?.TotalItems ?? PageSizeModel?.TotalItems ?? 0;
if (finalTotalItems == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(finalTotalItems), "TotalItems is required");
var maxPageSize = Math.Min(finalTotalItems, MaxPageSize);
// Fallback to model's properties if not set
var finalViewType = PageSizeModel?.ViewType ?? Model?.ViewType ?? ViewType;
var pageSizeSteps = new int[] { 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 500, 1000 };
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PageSizeSteps))
pageSizeSteps = PageSizeSteps.Split(',').Select(s =>
if (int.TryParse(s, out var result))
return result;
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid page size step", nameof(PageSizeSteps));
var pageSizes = CalculatePageSizes(finalTotalItems, maxPageSize, pageSizeSteps);
var useHtmx = PageSizeModel?.UseHtmx ?? UseHtmx;
var useLocalView = PageSizeModel?.UseLocalView ?? UseLocalView;
// Acquire the IViewComponentHelper
var viewComponentHelper = ViewContext.HttpContext.RequestServices
// Construct the PageSizeModel (if not provided) with final settings
var pagerModel = new PageSizeModel
ViewType = finalViewType,
UseLocalView = useLocalView,
UseHtmx = useHtmx,
PageSizes = pageSizes,
PagerId = pagerId,
Model = Model,
LinkUrl = finalLinkUrl,
MaxPageSize = maxPageSize,
PageSize = finalPageSize,
TotalItems = finalTotalItems
// Safely invoke the "PageSize" view component
var result = await viewComponentHelper.InvokeAsync("PageSize", pagerModel);
catch (Exception ex)
// Optional: Log or display an error
$"<p class=\"text-red-500\">Failed to render PageSize component: {ex.Message}</p>"
One tricky piece is correctly handling the PageSizeSteps
attribute. This is a comma separated list of page sizes which the user can select from. OR you can pass in your own steps. You can also specify the MaxPageSize which is the maximum page size that can be selected.
private List<int> CalculatePageSizes(int totalItems, int maxxPageSize, int[] pageSizeSteps)
var pageSizes = new List<int>();
// 1. Include all fixed steps up to both TotalItems and MaxPageSize
foreach (var step in pageSizeSteps)
if (step <= totalItems && step <= maxxPageSize)
// 2. If TotalItems exceeds the largest fixed step, keep doubling
int lastFixedStep = pageSizeSteps.Last();
if (totalItems > lastFixedStep)
int next = lastFixedStep;
while (next < totalItems && next < maxxPageSize)
next *= 2; // double the step
if (next <= totalItems && next <= maxxPageSize)
// 3. Include TotalItems if it's not already in the list
if (totalItems <= maxxPageSize && !pageSizes.Contains(totalItems))
return pageSizes;
As with my other tag helper I use the TagHelper->ViewComponent pattern to render the view component. This allows me to keep the tag helper simple and the view component complex. It also permits you to change views for different experiences; or to even inject your own view and use that (using use-local-view
public class PageSizeViewComponent : ViewComponent
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(PageSizeModel model)
if(model.Model != null)
model.LinkUrl ??= model.Model.LinkUrl;
if(model.Model is IPagingSearchModel searchModel)
model.SearchTerm ??= searchModel.SearchTerm;
var viewName = "Components/Pager/Default";
var useLocalView = model.UseLocalView;
return (useLocalView, model.ViewType) switch
(true, ViewType.Custom) when ViewExists(viewName) => View(viewName, model),
(true, ViewType.Custom) when !ViewExists(viewName) => throw new ArgumentException("View not found: " + viewName),
(false, ViewType.Bootstrap) => View("/Areas/Components/Views/PageSize/BootstrapView.cshtml", model),
(false, ViewType.Plain) => View("/Areas/Components/Views/PageSize/PlainView.cshtml", model),
(false, ViewType.TailwindAndDaisy) => View("/Areas/Components/Views/PageSize/Default.cshtml", model),
_ => View("/Areas/Components/Views/PageSize/Default.cshtml", model)
// If the view exists in the app, use it; otherwise, use the fallback RCL view
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a view exists in the consuming application.
/// </summary>
private bool ViewExists(string viewName)
var result = ViewEngine.FindView(ViewContext, viewName, false);
return result.Success;
Well that's it for the PageSize tag helper. I'm still working on the documentation and examples but the code is gettign better daily.